NTP Network Time Protocol
NTP is an old widely know and cross platform protocol designed to sync the clocks of computer over a network. It commonly sync a computer to internet
Important Point
In Rhel 8 + , the ntp package is no longer supported and it’s implemented by the chronyd(a daemon that runs in user-space) which is provided in the crony package
Crony works both as an ntp server and as an ntp client , which is used to sync the system clock with ntp server and can be used to sync the system clock
Server Side Configuration:
Install the crony Package
Start and Enable the crony service
Add NTP service in the firewall
Make an entry in network configuration file of NTP (chrony)
nano /etc/chrony.conf
Restart the service again :
Now Check How Many Client NTP Client are connected to your network
Client Site Configuration :
Install the Package :
Enable & Start the Service
Add the Service to the Firewall
Add the Server Ip Configuration in Client configuration file
Now on the Server site you can see the Client.local is added :
Now to configure the NTP Server in the Windows Machine
Server Site
Now to Check and Verify:
If you change the date and system in any client it automatically assign the Server IP address
Example :
Let’s just say I want to change some random date on the windows & Linux client but after some time due to sync NTP it will automatically change the Date according to the Server Date and Time configuration
Server Site View
Client Site View