Apache Guacamole RDP with Docker

Sourabh Dey
5 min readMay 14, 2022

A really terrific RDP client that makes your remote machine desktops and environments available through your web browser. The docker image we’ll be using was built off of the original Oznu image work, but has been updated to provide some of the more recent features.

JWetzell’s image allows for the extended authentication extensions to be used, and this really adds a lot of great security to the offering. The docker-compose.yml is very straight-forward and clean.


What you’ll need

  • Docker-CE and Docker-Compose installed
  • Internet Connection
  • Linux OS
  • About 10 minutes

My Set up


Installing Guacamole with Docker and Docker-Compose

Let’s create a good base structure for keeping our docker organized, and easy to backup and restore if needed. We’ll make a folder called “docker” that we’ll keep everything in.

Now, Lets create a directory called guacamole

version: "3"
image: jwetzell/guacamole
container_name: guacamole
- ./postgres:/config
- 8080:8080
driver: local

Now when everything is set up we are ready for installing the service.

If you have docker-compose installed you can use command line to installed the service . Otherwise you can use other method like portainer, yacht etc . Since I have docker-compose installed I will use that

In terminal hit command

docker-compose up -d

After Successfull Installation output should be look like these

If any failure Occurs you can check the logs

docker-compose logs -f

Now we have to check our guacamole running on our specific port which is 8080 in our case or not ?

Bingo it’s running

Alterative way to verify by using docker ps command

Here you can see guacamole is running

To view the logs of the container. We are simply checking for any errors in the logs that might indicate our install didn’t work for some reason. Hopefully you’ll find no errors, and you can now open a browser window and navigate to the IP address of your host on the port you set on the left side of the port mapping.

In my case it was

Default Usename: guacadmin ; Password: guacadmin

We are log into the guacadmin console

as you can see there is no connections , we have to make a connection for our client machine but first change the default username and password for guacadmin

admin user has been created with all rights

Now log out and log in through new user

Now we have to set connection

Linux Connection show
Bingo now we can access the server using browser

Now let’s try for windows


According to me Apache guacamole is amazing piece of software and because its a open source platform we don’t have to worry about subscription.

Hope you will find something interesting in this



Sourabh Dey

Trying To learn as much as possible about different Techonology. About me I am just a normal Boy who lives in terminal